How to Log In

Steps for Students to Join Microsoft Teams



Step1-Log on to Classlink/Launchpad at using your  student ID/lunch number as your username and birthday as your password. You can find the ID number on Infinite Campus.

(2-digit month 2-digit day 4-digit year)

 code use: FULTON   (it says optional, but it is not)

Step 2- Click on Microsoft Office 365 Icon

Step 3- Click on Microsoft Teams Icon

Step 4 - Look for my picture on our class team.


Microsoft Teams meeting

On the Classlink platform, look for the red Microsoft Office icon. Click Teams, then look for the team that has my picture. This is where our meetings will be held. Please do NOT start a class meeting. If there is not a small camera icon on the left side bar, please wait for me to start one and the camera will show up. This shows where the meeting is taking place.



Seesaw tutorial:



   Go to:

Use the ID and Password which is your lunch number as your username and birthday as your password. (2-digit month 2-digit day 4-digit year) 

In the third box asking for a CODE, put in Fulton.

"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

Have Fun!
The Team at Educator Pages